Theater, Dance, Music

What is gentleness? I love the moments lurking in everyday life that feel like the instant a beautiful sunset sinks below the horizon. Eating with the people I care about; being alone in my room; saying goodbye to someone I love; looking someone right in the eyes—in moments like these, it all appears before me. I see these as “the gentle times.” For some reason, I don’t always notice them until later. This is a story based on actual events that occurred in a private room between QUEEN’s Freddie Mercury and his last lover, Jim Hutton. It gathers together the special moments that everyone has experienced: sweet, gentle times, and their ultimate unravelling. I’ll never be able to come back to now, so. I want to cherish each instant. I want to fall in love with something every day. And so we meet again today as you hold me. Forever, forever.
10.19 (Wed) 19:00
10.20 (Thu) 19:00
Doors open: 18:00
Duration: 90 min(TBC)
Tickets for any events in Fringe "More Experiments" are not available from the Kyoto Experiment Ticket Center. Please contact each company or artist directly for ticket information and inquiries.