Screening, Talk
Dr. Holiday Laboratory
Screening and Talk Session: 'The Plan for Escape (Tentative)'(Original Novel ‘The Plan for Escape’ by Adolfo Bioy Casares) — On Living/Dying Without Being Able to Resist Playing Roles
We are holding a screening of the filmed performance of The Plan for Escape (Tentative), which took place in 2023 at Komaba Agora Theater, followed by a post-screening talk. In this society of ours, we are constantly forced to perform roles, and things we do of our own volition are considered by others to have been done as part of a role. To live and die as oneself: that’s what’s difficult. The Plan for Escape could be described as a portrait of people resisting against the maelstrom of role playing into which they’re being sucked. After the screening, we’ll be joined by some of the cast to reflect on this work from the perspective of “performance,” and also to discuss the production process of their new work A Sacrifice to the Imagination (December 13–15, ROHM Theatre Kyoto).
10.7 (Mon) 19:00
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