Fabio Massimo Fioravanti

This exhibition consists of photographs of Noh theater performances taken in Japan, as well as photographs of dancers of various styles, generations, and nationalities taken in Italy and Japan. In addition to serving as a reportage on Noh and dance, the exhibition also seeks to investigate the relationship between the visible and the invisible, and the boundary between the two, as well as the things we sometimes believe or think or see. The reason photography has always been profoundly fascinated by Noh and dance is that these arts push photographic language to the limit, going to its essence by asking what it means to look. What are we truly looking at? What do we think we’re looking at?
10.1(Tue)- 10.14(Mon)
Tickets for any events in Fringe "More Experiments" are not available from the Kyoto Experiment Ticket Center. Please contact each company or artist directly for ticket information and inquiries.