Access and Support

The theater is a place open to everyone. We offer various services and viewing support for example for those with small children or people with disabilities. If you have any questions or specific requests, please feel free to contact our office.
Reservations and enquiries (Weekdays 11:00-19:00, open everyday during the festival period):
☎︎ 075-213-0820
☞ Childcare Service
All performances with a ♡ mark in the performance Shows program have a childcare service.
Fee: ¥1,500 (per performance, per child)
♡ Childcare Service page (Japanese only)
☞ A ¥500 discount per ticket is available for customers using a wheelchair.
One complimentary ticket is offered to caregivers of those with a disability certificate or caregivers of wheelchair users. Please contact the Kyoto Experiment Ticket Center if you would like to use this service.
☞ There are some venues with hearing loop seats (post-show talks only). Please contact the Kyoto Experiment Ticket Center if you would like to use this service.
☞ Some performances have English surtitles, and some are performed in languages other than Japanese. Please check the individual program pages for information on the language of the performance and surtitles.
Access and Support summary table
☞ Click here to enlarge or print a table summarising the viewing support.