Creative Environment Improvement Program Report Session + Symposium

For three years from 2018 to 2020, Kyoto Experiment was the recipient of a grant from The Saison Foundation under its Creative Environment Improvement Program, which the festival used to carry out the Creating a Diverse Audience—Stepping Stones For English Speakers project.
A report session and symposium were held during Kyoto Experiment 2021 AUTUMN to reflect on the project and its results over the three years. Two documents that summarize the report session and the symposium are published below.
Report Session + Symposium Outline
Throughout the three-year project ensuring a diverse audience and communicating with this audience was found to be important. Part 1 considers how art institutions or festivals should aim for diversity. Part 2 invites guests Wako Asato, an Associate Professor of Transcultural Studies at Kyoto University who specializes in the empowerment and integration of migrant workers, and Oussouby Sacko, the President of Kyoto Seika University, to think about diversity within arts festivals and universities as well as relationships with minority communities.
☞ Part 1: Creating a Diverse Audience—Stepping Stones For English Speakers Report Session