Voice of Void Talk Series
2. A Theory of the Body: Unraveling Kitaro Nishida’s Philosophy
The Kyoto School’s ideas and philosophy form the thematic crux of Voice of Void. Our guest Mayuko Uehara, Professor in the Department of Japanese Philosophy at Kyoto University’s Graduate School of Letters, helps us understand the group’s context and core beliefs. She breaks down the connections between art and Kitaro Nishida’s philosophy, paying particular attention to his theory of the body.
Guest: Mayuko Uehara (Professor of Graduate School of Letters at Kyoto University)
Host: Kyoto Experiment Co-directors
10.9 (Sat) 13:00–14:30
Mayuko Uehara
Professor of Graduate School of Letters at Kyoto University
Graduated with a PhD from the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, France. After working as an associate professor at the Meisei University Faculty of Humanities, she is currently a professor at the Kyoto University Graduate School of Letters. She specializes in modern Japanese philosophy and translation studies and in particular the ideas of the Kyoto School philosophers such as Kitaro Nishida. She studies the philosophy of the Kyoto School through themes of body, gender, subject and object and art and pursues new possibilities of this knowledge. As editor-in-chief of the Journal of Japanese Philosophy (SUNY), she also contributes to the internationalization of Japanese philosophy.